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Computer Rooms

The Support operates six computer rooms, called GZI (Grundstudienzentrum Informatik), for students in V2-221 to V2-240 and in Citec 1.306. The latter two rooms (V2-240 and in the Citec) are designed as a free work space; the other rooms can be reserved for courses using a form.

The GZI is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and is located in the back of the V2 corridor.

Raum Nutzung und Ausstattung
V2-228 Tutor room
V2-221 Teaching, 24 Netboot workstations
V2-222 Teaching, 15 Netboot workstations
V2-229 Teaching, 25 Netboot workstations
V2-234 Teaching, 6 Netboot and 9 laptop workstations
V2-240 free, 15 Netboot workstations
CITEC 1.306 free, 9 Netboot workstations

Lage des GZI im Hauptgebäude Lageplan GZI

User regulations

The usage regulations (in German) for the student computer workstations in the undergraduate computer science center of the Faculty of Technology apply to the GZI.

Barrier-free workplaces for the visually impaired and blind

In each of the 5 pool rooms there is a workstation specially designed for people with visual impairments. The seats have a swivel arm with a 24 inch monitor and a large font keyboard in white on black. All common magnification programs and language outputs are installed in Linux Netboot. Further information about appropriate software and assistance with Ubuntu for people with disabilities can be found here: