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Mailing lists

There are many mailing lists in the Faculty of Engineering. These are divided into three types:

Lists managed by the Support
Automatically generated lists
Self-managed lists

Lists managed by the Support

Most of these lists are function-related mailing lists, e.g. for the dean's office or the student council, or project-related mailing lists. These are administered by the Support, thus changes must be communicated by e-mail.

Automatically generated lists

Lists are automatically generated from Unix groups and network groups, if this is desired. Such lists exist for working groups, status groups, and for projects if their members are all in a project Unix group. For example, there are lists for dif

Self-managed lists

There are also self-managed mailing lists. These can be administered by the users themselves via the Mailman web interface. For lists that have a high fluctuation of members, it is not always necessary to ask the RBG.

Mailman list servers:

Discard spam

For self-managed mailing lists (Mailman lists), mails can be deleted automatically once they reach a certain spam score.

In the web interface to the URL
(where DOMAIN must be replaced by techfak, cit-ec or cor-lab and LISTENNAME by the name of the list), you can enter the text X-Spam-Level:\s+\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* in the field “Spam-Filter Regexp:”. Now select 'Discard' as the action and click on 'Save changes'.

This will automatically delete all mails that the spam filter assigns a score of seven or more and the sender will not be notified.