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Central Services

Several services are offered by other IT departments, such as BITS , the university library or other research institutions. A (non-exhaustive) list of important services can be found here. We cannot help if you have any questions or problems. Please then get in touch with the other contact persons.

Bielefeld University


From 2021, TeamChat will be based on the professional instant messaging service Matrix . This enables simple, persistent and secure communication - both in individual and group conversations. TeamChat is available free of charge to all employees and students at Bielefeld University and can also communicate with matrix instances from other universities and research institutions via its federation option. Instructions for logging in and setting up encryption can be found on this page.

Software offerings

BITS and other departments offer students and employees of Bielefeld University a wide range of software free of charge or at special rates, see:


Passwords for all central university services can be changed in Prisma. The university ID or student number and the Prisma password are required to log in.


BITS operates a campus-wide WiFi. There are three networks offered on the Bielefeld University campus that can be used either by members of the university (eduroam) or guests (guest, bi-free). Information is available on the BITS page.


The university has licenses to get a Zoom account. Information about this can be found on the corresponding BITS page.

University library


Employees or students at Bielefeld University can use the university cloud, sciebo. You can find information about registering and using it on the corresponding page.


GitLab enables versioned storage of files and is ideal for software development and collaborative use of research data. Information is available here.


Overleaf, a collaborative LaTeX editor, projects can be create in sciebo.


Research data can be published in the PUB repository. Optionally, a DOI is created free of charge for data publications.


The BIS is an in-house development of Bielefeld University. When expanding the applications, the people involved in the development work closely with key players in central administration and the faculties.


The eKVV is the university's electronic course catalogue. All courses can be found there, sorted by degree program and grouped by module; for the current, the coming and also for the past semester.

Exam administration

With the help of BIS examination management, all examination achievements of BA/MA students throughout the entire course of their studies are documented in a database.


The directory of people and institutions , also known as PEVZ, contains the official contact details of all university employees as well as a detailed illustration of the organizational structure, with all faculties and institutions.